“The Retribution of Eve”: New Digital Painting feat. Adam and Eve Brawling in the Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve Fight to the Death in the Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve are now fighting for their lives under the same fig tree that brought them together when they were young and innocent. Eve has snapped. She has been abused for centuries, nay, thousands of years, as Adam’s partner!!! Ever since she was created from Adam’s rib! (AS iF.)…

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Digital Portraits of AOC and Pete Buttigieg for Sale

Gorgeous Artist-proofed archival prints of “AOC Rainforest Queen” & “Mayor Pete of South Bend” iPad Drawings now for sale. “Rainforest Queen” is a gorgeous, intense hand-drawn, digital portrait of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) with a rainforest crown filled with wildlife. This rich, tonal drawing which expresses how the artist feels about…

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Artist Jeffrey Wiener designs Climate-related line of products to inspire empathy and action.

Multimedia artist Jeffrey Wiener is a brand consultant, illustrator and graphic designer for many commercial clients whose mission is often focused on nature, science and education. Climate Change is also of personal interest to Jeffrey as a native Floridian who spent a great deal of time running through the Everglades…

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iPad Workshop at Flamingo Clay Gallery January 5th, 2018

Multi-medium artist, Jeffrey Wiener will hold his first workshop of 2018  at Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery in Lake Worth on January 5th entitled “Life Drawing on your iPad”. The fee is $40 in advance, $45 at door. To sign up, click here and donate $40 at Flamingo Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery Offering Digital and Traditional…

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Exhibition: Shared Spaces

In this series of artworks entitled “Shared Spaces”, I am exploring the psychological dynamics of human relationships. I am trying to create an illustration of my subjects’ true relationships with each other, a visualization of their psychological reality. While these works are erotic at first glance, this project is not…

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